Art in the Loop Highlighted on Tommi Laitio’s Policies for Convivencia Blog

Tommi Laitio is a Finnish social scientist primarily focused on promoting the term and policies for Convivencia. While he did not coin the term as Américo Castro did in 1948, he advocates for it through his work, speaking engagements, and website. At one of these talks, Ann Holliday, Art in the Loop’s Executive Director, and Donna Mandelbaum, Marketing and Communications Director of KC Streetcar attended and were inspired by his talk. Afterwards, they decided to make Convivencia the theme for 2024.

In one of Tommi’s blogs, he interviewed both Ann and one of the performers at the 2024 Kick-Off Event, Viva La Tinta.

Read the Blog Here: #7: Images of Convivencia