Performance Date & Location | 816 Day

August 16, 5:30 p.m. at City Market

Artist Statement

A half hour performance of original folk songs performed on ukulele and guitar. The songs and presentation will cover truth and honesty, exploring topics of family dynamics, grief, heartbreak and the humor we find in those moments. The performance will explore Convivencia through the conflict and harmony of how we live through the human experience.

Danielle Ate the Sandwich is the stage name of Danielle Anderson, a singer/songwriter, recording artist, and comedic performer based in Kansas City, MO. Combining soft, lilting vocals with poignant honesty and wit, Danielle Ate the Sandwich writes songs for the biggest and smallest moments of life. Her songs and performances are a shared experience, celebrating grief, humor, and happiness.

A songwriter, ukulele and guitar player, Danielle first found her place at open mic nights and coffee shops in Fort Collins, Colorado, and has been based in Kansas City, MO, since 2018. Growing a fan base through her homemade videos on YouTube, Danielle performed and toured extensively from 2009-2018, leaving an impression on audiences across the country, and fans around the world.

Danielle has released 7 albums of original music, published over 300 YouTube videos, and conducts an annual 24 Hour Album project, writing and producing new songs with the help of her patrons in only twenty four hours. Since 2021, Danielle has offered her 4-week virtual songwriting course called ‘Life As a Songwriter,’ developed to guide and give time to those interested in the craft of songwriting.

Danielle Ate the Sandwich has opened for Mumford and Sons, Pomplamoose, Suzanne Vega, Jake Shimabukuro, and wrote the soundtrack to the Emmy nominated HBO documentary, Packed in a Trunk: The Lost Art of Edith Lake Wilkinson. In 2023, Danielle was awarded a 2-year studio residency at the Charlotte Street Foundation in Kansas City, MO, and is currently in the studio working on her 8th full length release of original folk songs featuring Kansas City musicians and artists.

The Convivencia of This Performance

I want to explore Convivencia through the concept of vulnerability, and the difficulty sharing who we are. As humans we’re asked to contain and behave and we put up walls to protect ourselves, making it difficult to show who we really are. The conflict is letting down the walls to reach raw authenticity, and the harmony is when we allow ourselves to be seen whether or not we’re judged. My songs and music are an exploration of vulnerability through the truth of the human experience, how we love, how we’re brought up, how we experience loss and grief, and how we connect to each other through the different and similar ways we experience it all.

Website |

Instagram | @danielleatethesandwich