Quadrigarum - Drone Of My Drone from Pewep on Vimeo.
Riffs on the Star Disk
Pursuing a suite of 3 new compositions, Quadrigarum will transform Oppenstein Park into a recording studio and sound stage. Utilizing both ancient and modern technology, they will capture an HD video of this singular performance. Come watch them melt into the future.
The performance was held on September 10, 2014 in Oppenstein Brothers Memorial Park, 12th & Walnut in Downtown Kansas City.
Quadrigarum is an 8 piece ensemble started by Kansas City native J. Ashley Miller to perform compositions for instruments of his design, called chariots. Quadrigarum’s music is simultaneously brutal and serene, spacious and claustrophobic. Their dynamic compositional style, as well as the sonic personality of the chariots themselves, allows Quadrigarum to access emotions which emerge at the edge of identity.