Performance Date & Location |  KC Streetcar Celebration & Ride

July 17, 5:30 p.m. Starting at Union Station Streetcar Stop

Artist Statement

I have my very first EP called, “Celebration” which is about celebrating all the victories that we often shy away from sharing. My goal is to make people feel validated, celebrated, and liberated. This was inspired by my therapist when she told me that we should feel good about all our victories, and we should tell people about them.

I always go by the three ‘I’s: Innovate, Inspire, and Invent.

Those three ‘I’s are what drive me to pursue my quest of music creation and collaboration.

The Convivencia of This Performance

“Celebration” & “Convivencia” intertwine with one another because in order to truly coexist, we must also celebrate our difference that make us unique. It brings people together from diverse backgrounds to share in joyous occasions regardless of their differences!

With “Celebration” comes connection and appreciation of another’s customs.

Instagram | @jamogi.bridges