Performance Date & Location | Kick-Off Event

June 12, 5:30 p.m. at Kansas City Public Library Central Library

Artist Statement

Kat King is a queer indie pop/rock group. I can perform live music as a 5-piece, a trio/duo, or solo.

As a queer kid fueled by the rejection of what was once considered a secure community, I strive to create spaces that are welcoming and inclusive. My work aims for authenticity through songwriting and self- expression, inviting audiences to find connection with each other and through music.

The Convivencia of This Performance

By nature of being a queer-fronted band, I understand firsthand what it is like to feel at odds in different spaces. Through live performances aimed at bringing cross sections of Kansas City communities together, the band has successfully used our music and themed parties as a meeting place for all. Our performances are known across the metro area for their unique ability to bring in a large, diverse crowd. Through honest storytelling of my own experiences and an open invitation for audience members to engage with us through whatever may move them, we can infuse “Convivencia” in both the crowd and our performance.

Website |

Instagram | @katbking