Performance Date & Location | Art Walk

October 12, 2 p.m.

Artist Statement

Kansas City singer songwriter Liney Blu writes from a unique place of personal experience and identity. They vividly show us how vulnerability is strength and require us to see love, frustration, disappointment and humor through lenses we may not have considered. Every song finds Liney passionately and sometimes bravely exploring a broader, more inclusive understanding of the human experience while letting us into some sacred personal spaces to do so. And while many listeners are just finding Liney Blu, they set out on their path as a songwriter and artist as a teenager.

At age 17 as Caroline Blubaugh she released a first EP titled “Green” which featured the single “San Francisco” that quickly saw 185K Spotify streams. In 2023 as Liney Blu, came a 2nd EP, “Pennsylvania St.” with bandmates bassist Renee Huey and drummer Jones Goldman. “Pennsylvania St.” is an introspective, sometimes raw, indie pop rock/folk synthesis built on innovative arrangements relentlessly pushed along by Liney’s deep, resonant vocal, subtly insistent delivery and very personal passion.

The Convivencia of This Performance

I started songwriting when I was a teenager during a time in which I was discovering my sexuality and gender identity. That journey of becoming comfortable with myself has inspired my songwriting and storytelling throughout the years. During my performances, I lead with authenticity and because of this, many of my songs embody the theme of living together with differences. For example, my song “Happily ever Lonely” released on my latest Ep, is about allowing yourself to be authentically you. With a lyric that reads, “I’ll stop wearing that dress for me.” Another example is my song called “Bathroom Talks” which is about being in a secret gay relationship and the struggles of hiding from the people you love. With a line that reads,” The back car seat saw through all our lies. An anxious little mess, so pretty in that dress. I wish you saw yourself the way I saw you.”

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Instagram | @liney.blu