Vrikshasan: Where is your back?
Chitra Natyam

Hema Sharma, Anjali Tate-Hudson, and Jayashree George will present two pieces of dance in response to the theme “Cue!”. Vrikshasan: Where is your back? explores the issue of environmental degradation and climate change. Using the tree pose from yoga as the main motif, the dancers explore the tree’s relationship to people, its relationship to the tree cutter and its traumatic end. The dancers hold in their consciousness that the hand that cuts needs to be the hand that is restored to reverence for the environment.

The second piece an example of chitra natyam or dance painting where the dancers paint with their feet. As they perform the choreography on canvas, and as their feet move, an image is created. Setting up the framed canvas, getting it primed for the image/movement and culminating in the image itself consists of the whole dance-image making process. This piece of choreography stems from an ancient tradition in the Kuchipudi genre and the image created is outside the canon of images presented in the genre. The dance takes its cue from an ancient tradition to recast it with a contemporary vibe. There is only one other dancer who performs in this tradition in the KC area. Folk and interactive dances will also be presented.

Time & Location

Wednesday, August 30, 2017
11:30 am to 1:30 pm
Kansas City Public Library Central Library
14 West 10th Street, Kirk Hall


Hema Sharma is trained in Classical Bharathanatyam, and also other classical dances, and folk dance. Jayashree George has training in classical Bharathanatyam, Fine Arts, and Yoga. Anjali Tate-Hudson has training in Classical Bharathanatyam, and Modern Dance. All are established dancers from the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
